Sunday, July 11, 2010

Warning really long post... Here is a little of what we have been up to the last month... Luke celebrated his 29th birthday on June 11. We also had our 6 year wedding anniversary in June 17. He has been busy around the house with our summer projects like painting the outside of the house, getting new windows and cutting down trees. He has also been on call with his work (so he had a lot of late nights) and some overtime. I have been busy with the kiddos. Doing a few small crafts here and there. Spending a little time with my little sister since she moved back home. Dirk has been a busy body and sneaks outside whenever he gets the chance to (thank heavens for the child proof locks on the doors). We signed him up for pre-school and he will start in September. He got to go meet his teacher and he had a blast at her house. He is a huge helper with his sister. He still can't stop kissing her and I think it drivers her crazy a little. He has got to go to the Air Plane Museum at HAFB. We have taken him over to play at the splash pad. Landy is growing like crazy!! She is sleeping wonderful most nights. She goes to sleep around 11 or 12 and gets up to eat around 6 and goes back to sleep until Dirk wakes up. I wish she would go to bed a little earlier but at least she is sleeping 6 hours. She has started rolling over. She has started to love playing with toys and is still trying to figure out how her hands work. She talks a lot and giggles. She's really a happy baby almost all the time. She is a little clingy to me which is a little hard at times. I'm hoping that will get a little easier. We have had a very busy summer so far full of lots of fun activities. It has really made me appreciate the little moments at home when I can just sit back and enjoy my family. I feel so lucky to have such a wonderful husband who helps with everything. He would do anything for us and I'm so grateful for that. I am so blessed to have my two sweet little babies. I really feel so lucky to get to stay home with them. They have the sweetest little spirits and they are teaching me so much more then I could ever learn anywhere else. So if you read all of this here are just a few picture of all the fun we have been having.
Here is our house before ...
Here after with the new paint and windows. We are still working on it we want to get shutters and plant a flower bed.
Here is Dirk at the Air Plane Museum.
This is Dirk in Landy's car seat at the car show on the 4th of July. He was so tired.
Here is Luke and Dirk at the new Splash Pad in Riverdale.
Here is Landy rolling over.


  1. Wow, the new paint color is fabulous! Good work! So glad to hear you guys are doing well!

  2. I miss you Katie we need to get together some time and do lunch or something.

  3. I love your house it looks great. I tried to call you the other day and it just rang so I am wondering if I have the right number? Landy is getting so big and so cute!
