Sunday, March 29, 2009

Bear Lake

We just got back from Bear Lake (our favorite vacation spot). There is not much to do up there during the winter unless you have snowmobiles. But, we still had a lot of fun anyways. We just wanted to update the blog and share a few pics from the weekend. Friday we to a drive around the lake and on the East side up near the Idaho border there is this cool house in the shape of a shoe.
We drove up to Montpelier Idaho to get a few things. This is Luke and Dirk at the store.
This is a picture of our favorite place to eat in Montpelier. Its called Dan's. Everytime we go there we stop and get some fries and a coke.
The next day we drove to Evanston Wyoming with Blake and Jessica to buy some fireworks and because we were a little bored. Later that night we watched a movie and went to the hot tub. The storm today was a bad one. On the way home we seen a semi that had gone off the road and a head on collision. We had so much fun and are so glad to be able to go and spend time with the family. We really missed the family that didn't come up this time it's not the same with out them. We are so excited to see them tomarrow though when Jared and Michelle welcome their new little one Trevin.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

We are finally almost done with Spring Cleaning, I can hardly wait. We have stopped and done a few things in the midst of our cleaning. We went Thursday to pick up G-ma (my mom) from work with my sister Brooke. My mom rides the train to work but need to make some stops that day so she had everyone pile in the car to pick her up. We went stopped at the Newgate Mall, Dirk was very happy G-ma got him a cookie and a drink. Then we stopped by the Nursery (Valley Nursery) and showed everyone Brooke's baby. Dirk liked that as well because he got to see Opa (that's what he calls Bruce, Luke's Dad). Then we stopped by Grandma Shirley's (that's my grandma, she lives next to the Nursery). Dirk really liked that, he go to see Grandpa Basil's cool truck. He really wanted to drive it, but we told him he didn't have a drivers license yet.

This has been Luke's on call week at work and Dirk and I are so excited for him to be almost done. I think Dirk is getting sick of me. We went to Church today and I had a hard time getting Dirk to come home with me. He ran out of Nursery looking for Daddy and ran down the halls yelling. Finally I got him out to the car and he cried and was afraid Luke was in the church still and we were leaving him. He didn't remember that Luke was at work. Luke will be done on Thursday morning and hopefully he'll spend some quality time with Dirk.

This is for Aunt Bev. Here are the shamrocks we talked about. They were fun to make I'll have to give you the pattern.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Where to start? We have been busy. Spring is here and we have been busy chasing Dirk and trying to get some cleaning done. We are hoping to put our house up for sale soon and it is a lot of work getting ready. I have been cleaning closets and scrubbing walls. Dirk has enjoyed it, I cleaned his room and he found lots of new toys. He played with his toys for hours inside the toy box.
With the weather bring so warm we took Dirk to the park and he loved it! He really needed some out side time to run off all his extra energy. I have been trying to hide all of Dirk's tools so he would stop fixing things that weren't broke. That didn't work. He found them and has been helping Luke round the house.
We also have been lucky enough to go visit the baby Cache a few times. Here's an updated picture for those who haven't had the chance to go visit yet. He changes every time I see him. Brooke loves being a mom and can't wait for him to start sleeping longer at night.