Saturday we went to the Auto Show. We had so much fun! Dirk loves cars so much and was so excited to see all of his favorites and get a chance to sit inside a few. It always amazes me how much he loves car and how many different kinds he can name. I love driving in the car with him and listening to him in the back seat saying look mommy a that's a Ford, or look at that jacked up Dodge Ram. He is so
stinkin' funny. So here are pictures of Dirk by some of his favorites....
Escalades are probably number one in his book. He had to sit in the black one and the white one.

Jeeps he gets from me and my love for them. None of the pictures are close enough but he was wearing Jeep cloths.
Corvetts he has learned to love from my dad. My dad has two and Dirk loves to sit in them whenever he can get the chance.

I don't remember what car this was but I really loved this picture.

Dirk loves Dodge Rams!! This one was his favorite because it was jacked up and yellow (yellow is his favorite color).

This is the only one with the whole family. Dirk really liked the big tires so we had to go see them.