We have been so busy lately so here is a little of all the fun we have been having....
Here is Dirk on his play date with my cousins little boy. They had so much fun together! I didn't grow up with brothers so I am really learning about boys. These two are Hilarius to watch. I didn't think boys started ruff housing until they were old and boy I was so wrong. They were playing king of the mountain on the couch and I could not get them to stop. I was so funny. We were all laughing so hard.

Some husbands bring home flowers, mine brings home Black Widows. I had never seen a Black Widow before so Luke caught one at work and brought it home to me so I would know what one looked like. It was huge!! He sees comes across a lot of spiders and wasps at work. It's dangerous being a cable guy.

Last Saturday we had the chance to take Dirk to the Zoo. He had so much FUN! He loved all the animals and is still talking about the elephants and train. He can't wait to go back. Thank you so much Fronks for coming with us it was a Blast!