I'm really slacking on updating my blog lately. So here is a little of what we have been up to lately. We are still house hunting and it SUCKS! I feel like we have looked at a billion homes. Besides looking at house we have had a little fun too. Dirk's new favorite thing to do is have a fire. He asks almost every night if we can go outside and have a fire. He loves helping set everything up. So we have had a lot of fires here lately. Here are Dirk on I roasting marsh mellow by the fire.

The other night we got pizza for dinner from a new little pizza place by my parents house. While we were waiting we found this sticky mustaches in the quarter machines. I couldn't resist so I got one for Dirk and my nephew Cache. Here is Dirk we told him to smile and this is his new smile.

My dad has had a mustache my whole life so we thought it would be funny to take a picture with him and the two boys, since they all had mustaches on. Cache was such a good baby he really didn't care we put it on him.

This is another one of Dirks favorites. We went to visit my grandparents about two weeks ago and my grandpa got the old model a out and gave rides. Dirk loved it! Every time we see an old car he yells look that's like Grandpa Basil's car. He was so happy when he got to go for a ride. He hasn't stopped talking about grandpa's car.
I love the mustaches!!!