9 years ago
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Fun with a 2 year old
This week Dirk has really been on one. Every night after we put him to bed Luke and I talk about all the funny things he's doing. I don't know where to start. Tuesday my dad watched him for about an hour and a half and couldn't believe how much you have to watch him. My dad went outside to get the mail and told Dirk "Grandpa is going to get the mail stay here I'll be right back." When he got back in the house Dirk had put cat and dog food all over the floor. My dad said Dirky that is naughty what are you doing and Dirk replied I'm feeding the dog, him's hungry. The fun hasn't stopped there either. I was cleaning house yesterday and Dirk kept saying his cars were done the hole. I kept thinking what is he talking about. He hadn't been in the bathroom, what other holes are there? Finally he showed me he had hotwheels in the wood burning stove in our living room. (The back of the wood burning stove has a vent. This vent is tight you can't get your hand in it) So after about three and a half hours I got 3 cars out with the little shop-vacuum. (I tried everything tongs, magnets. tape on a stick) Then when Luke got home he got out two more cars out, after I showed him my trick. It only took him about 20 minutes. Tonight he still is on one he went to my parents (so Luke and I could go visit my sister) I guess he feed the dogs again and played with the water and ice from my parents fridge. I keep telling everyone you have to watch him he's into everything and they think I'm lying. So everyday with a two year old is an adventure!
A little more of Baby Cache

Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Welcome Baby!

Well here he is finally!! This is my little sister Brooke and her little bundle of joy! Brooke went to the hospital Monday night to get start to have her baby. They started her shortly after she got there. They came in around 6:30 Tuesday morning and broke her water and then waited for things to happen. Brooke waited and waited then after awhile things got a little ruff so they took the baby c-section around 7:20 tonight. Brooke and baby are doing great now (Brooke's tired from a long labor). So let me welcome you Baby Cache Logan Archuleta. He's 7 lbs 4 oz. 20 and half
inches lo
ng. This is not the best picture we are hoping to go visit when Brooke's up for more visitors to sneak some more pictures.

Saturday, February 21, 2009
Like father like son.

Thursday, February 19, 2009
Stay away from the Roberts!!
Well what started out as the croup is now RSV. Yep Dirk has RSV. He started to sound better Monday night through Tuesday, then Tuesday night he got really bad. So yesterday I called the doctors office and they got him in. They were packed (I hate doctors offices this time of year). There was no place to sit, sick kids everywhere! They were coughing and sneezing with little runny noses. I will admit I'm a little obsessed about germs. So we get back and the doctor listened to him and said he's got RSV. It terrible right now (there's an outbreak). He said it's really easy to get RSV from croup. Then while the doctor is giving me instructions on what to do to get him better, my son (as smart as he is) was under the doctors table unscrewing the nuts and bolt that hold the table together. He is so naughty!! He is usually so good. So we are staying home (so nobody else gets sick) and using a lot of tissues and Lysol.
Friday, February 13, 2009
Friday the 13th
Face it, you're screwed. Today is Friday the 13th — the unluckiest day on the calendar- so try not to crash your car, fall down a flight of stairs, set yourself on fire, or do anything else that might compromise your well-being. And for Goodness sake, stay away from men in hockey masks.
The number 13 has been unlucky for centuries. Some historians peg the superstition to the thirteen people who attended the Last Supper (neither Jesus nor Judas came out of that one OK), but ancient Babylon's Code of Hammurabi omits the number 13 in its list of laws, so the superstition dates back to at least 1700 BC. Today, most tall buildings don't have a 13th floor.
Wall Street's superstitions about Friday the 13th continued through 1925, when the New York Times noted that people "would no more buy or sell a share of stock today than they would walk under a ladder or kick a black cat out of their path." Some stock traders also blamed Black Monday — Oct. 19, 1987 — on the fact that three Fridays fell on the thirteenth that year. The Stress Management Center and Phobia Institute estimates that $700-$800 million dollars are lost every Friday the 13th due to people's refusal to travel, purchase major items, or conduct business.
Please be safe today!!
Surviving the CROUP!
First I would like to thank my dear husband Luke! You rock and I love you! So yesterday Dirk had a runny nose and a small fever. I figured he was just starting to get a little cold. I had this gut feeling that he need to go to the doctor but, he just didn't seem sick enough. He was running around like crazy and nothing had slowed him down. So I waited until Luke got home and told him I know he doesn't seem sick but I have a feeling he need to go to the doctor. I had to go to another baby shower so I couldn't go with them (which was hard I'm the mom I take Dirk to the doctor). So I went to the shower and the boys went to the doctor. Luke called as soon as they got out and told me Dirk has the Croup. So they gave him a shot and a sucker. Luke said he was such a big boy and only cried until he got the sucker. So today will be the day I disinfect the house top to bottom, wash a butt load of laundry, and keep refilling the humidifier. His fever is gone today so he shouldn't be contagious but we're staying home just to make sure.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Monday, February 2, 2009
Welcome to our family blog. We are new to the world of blogging and we have no idea what we are doing. Please be patient with us as we learn to blog.
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