Well my Jeep got totaled. I was so sad when they called, I loved my Jeep!! We were without a car a while. My parents were nice and let us drive their car when they weren't using it and we had a rental for our trip to Bear Lake. Finally last Saturday we bought a Honda. It's really nice and clean! Also it's paid for and that makes me happy.
Luke had his Birthday on the 11th of June. It was a fun day! Dirk and I gave him a PSP for his birthday which he is really enjoying. He just wishes I would give him more time to play it. We went to Bear Lake that day with Luke's family. We all went to dinner that night and had Pizza. Luke and I usually make cakes for each other every year. Luke is really creative and has made some awesome cakes. I usually do ok, but this year was my year. I made him this.....

We had so much FUN at Bear Lake! It's really fun when the whole family comes. We went swimming when the weather would let us. Dirk is a little daredevil he jumped off the diving board a couple of times. He loved it! I wish I would have had my camera. We play games in the evenings. The lake was still really cold so we didn't play to much on the beach. Here are few pictures from the trip.