This last weekend was a busy one. We did lots of fun stuff and got to see lots of family. We started with going to Antelope Island on Saturday with Luke's family. We had lots of fun, we played in the sand, Luke got out the kite out and we also did an Easter egg hunt.
Sunday was a crazy day, we started with waking up to find the Easter Bunny pooped on our floor. Turned out to be candy. Dirk was so grossed out by the pile of bunny droppings it took him forever to find all of his other surprises. He would stop and look at the poop and say the bunny pooped on the floor. His face was priceless when Luke ate it. Then he tried it and said it was candy, the silly bunny played a joke on him. We went to Oma and Opa's house after church and had another Easter egg hunt with the cousins. When it was time to leave Dirk really tried to go home with Luke's sister Shan. He loves going to Shan's.

Then we went to my grandparents house for another Easter egg hunt and dinner. It was lots of fun I got to see some family that I don't see that often. We have been doing Easter there for as long as I can remember.
We hope all of our friends and family had as much fun as we did.